Interview with Mary Grace Gasco, SpaceCrop's CEO

In 2024, Green Growth Generation strengthened its collaboration with SpaceCrop, a startup dedicated to supporting companies in the agricultural and tech sectors on their journey toward sustainable growth.

The partnership, initiated in 2022 through the EIT Food Women Lead program, saw Gabriella (founder of Green Growth Generation, ed.) take on the role of Business Mentor for Mary Grace Gasco, CEO of SpaceCrop. During a six-month acceleration phase, the operational framework and strategic approach were defined, with particular attention to acquiring new clients and optimizing operational workflows.

Between June and November 2024, the partnership continued as part of the NEB Catalyzer program. Gabriella’s strategic contribution, alongside the application of the NEB (New European Bauhaus) methodological approach, was pivotal in fostering a holistic and inclusive vision for SpaceCrop’s business model.

To delve deeper into SpaceCrop’s journey and better understand Gabriella’s and Green Growth Generation’s role in the startup’s growth, we interviewed Mary Grace Gasco.

The interview

Q1 – Good morning, Mary. Let’s begin with this question: How did Gabriella’s coaching support the initial stages of SpaceCrop?

M: Gabriella’s support in the early stages of SpaceCrop was fundamental. We first connected in 2022, when she became my Business Mentor through the EIT Food Women Lead program. At the time, we were just starting out, and her guidance was essential for structuring our operations. She helped us develop a clear framework to prioritize tasks and outline the “essential process steps” needed to move our business forward. Gabriella focused on reaching and acquiring new clients, a critical aspect for any startup. Her strategic input allowed us to establish a systematic approach to optimizing operational workflows, creating a solid foundation for our growth.

Q2 – Could you elaborate on the consultancy process during the second phase under the NEB framework?

M: The second phase of consultancy with Gabriella took place within the NEB Catalyzer program, from June to November 2024. This phase was quite different from our initial collaboration. The program offered visibility, financial support, and a wealth of practical knowledge. While the NEB framework’s approach was more theoretical compared to the earlier phase, we gained valuable insights and inspiration on how to apply NEB’s values and principles to our reality.

Q3 – What aspects of Gabriella’s coaching approach do you find most effective?

M: Gabriella is an incredibly organized, analytical, and adaptable coach — all crucial qualities for working with a startup. Her ability to tailor her approach to meet our constantly evolving needs made a significant difference. For example, during the EIT Food program, she provided us with a clear and actionable roadmap and practical support to refine our client acquisition strategy. This approach enabled us to learn quickly and adapt by testing our ideas and technologies in real time with customers. Additionally, her support in improving our storytelling strategy for investors was equally crucial.

Q4 – How would you describe Green Growth Generation’s role in defining a sustainable growth path for SpaceCrop?

M: Gabriella and Green Growth Generation have been outstanding partners for SpaceCrop. Their approach to supporting startups is deeply aligned with our values. They prioritize sustainability while remaining agile to market changes and the “real” needs of our clients — an essential factor for a dynamic and evolving company like ours. Gabriella’s guidance has been instrumental in ensuring that, as we expand our operations, we do so responsibly and with a clear sense of purpose.

Q5 – What are SpaceCrop’s strategic priorities for the coming year?

M: Since our launch in January 2022, we have experienced steady growth in both our customer base and revenue, and now it’s time to optimize our processes to handle larger volumes. We also aim to develop new use cases for our technology, which will enable us to serve a wider range of clients. This dual approach of scaling up and diversifying is critical to our long-term success. Our growth journey with Green Growth Generation has taught us to embrace uncertainty with confidence and determination, knowing that change is a unique opportunity to learn and improve.

Alessandro Bertozzi

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